Overview: Environments
Stdpp implementation of multisets
Require Export stdpp.gmultiset.
Proof that ordering on multisets is wellfounded from CoLoR
Require Import CoLoR.Util.Multiset.MultisetOrder.
Require Import CoLoR.Util.Multiset.MultisetCore.
Require Import CoLoR.Util.Multiset.MultisetCore.
Our propositional formulas, including their countability.
An environment is defined as a finite multiset of formulas
(in the sense of the stdpp library).
This requires decidable equality and countability of the underlying set.
Definition env := @gmultiset form form_eq_dec form_count.
Global Instance singleton : Singleton form env := gmultiset_singleton.
Global Instance singletonMS : SingletonMS form env := base.singleton.
Global Instance singleton : Singleton form env := gmultiset_singleton.
Global Instance singletonMS : SingletonMS form env := base.singleton.
Connecting two kinds of multisets
We now show that our env is also a multiset in the sense of CoLoR, so that we can use the wellfoundedness proof from CoLoR and the multiset tactics and notations from stdpp.
Module Export EnvMS <: MultisetCore.
Module Sid <: RelExtras.Eqset_dec.
Module Export Dom. Definition A : Type := form. End Dom.
Module Export Eq := Relation.RelExtras.Eqset_def Dom.
Definition eqA_dec := form_eq_dec.
End Sid.
Definition Multiset := env.
Definition mult : form -> Multiset -> nat := multiplicity.
Definition meq := (≡@{env}).
Definition empty := ∅ : env.
Definition singleton (x : form) : env := {[ x ]}.
Definition union : env -> env -> env := disj_union.
Definition intersection : env -> env -> env := intersection.
Definition diff : env -> env -> env := difference.
Lemma mult_eqA_compat M x y : (x = y) -> mult x M = mult y M.
Proof. intro; now subst. Qed.
Lemma meq_multeq M N:
M ≡ N -> (forall x, mult x M = mult x N).
Proof. intro Heq; multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma multeq_meq M N: (forall x, mult x M = mult x N) -> M ≡ N.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma empty_mult (x : form): mult x (∅ : env) = 0.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma union_mult M N (x : form) :
mult x (M ⊎ N) = (mult x M + mult x N)%nat.
Proof. apply multiplicity_disj_union. Qed.
Lemma diff_mult M N (x : form):
mult x (M ∖ N) = (mult x M - mult x N)%nat.
Proof. apply multiplicity_difference. Qed.
Lemma intersection_mult (M N : env) (x : form):
mult x (M ∩ N) = min (mult x M) (mult x N).
Proof. apply multiplicity_intersection. Qed.
Lemma singleton_mult_in (x y: form): x = y -> mult x {[y]} = 1.
intro Heq. rewrite Heq. unfold mult. apply multiplicity_singleton. Qed.
Lemma singleton_mult_notin (x y: form): x <> y -> mult x {[y]} = 0.
Proof. apply multiplicity_singleton_ne. Qed.
(* reprove the following principles, proved in stdpp for Prop, but
we need them in Type *)
Lemma gmultiset_choose_or_empty (X : env) : {x | x ∈ X} + {X = ∅}.
destruct (elements X) as [|x l] eqn:HX; [right|left].
- by apply gmultiset_elements_empty_inv.
- exists x. rewrite <- (gmultiset_elem_of_elements x X).
replace (elements X) with (x :: l). left.
Definition mset_ind_type : forall P : env -> Type,
P empty -> (forall M a, P M -> P (M ⊎ {[a]})) -> forall M, P M.
intros P Hemp Hinsert X.
eapply (Fix gmultiset_wf _ X).
Unshelve. clear X. intros X IH.
destruct (gmultiset_choose_or_empty X) as [[x Hx]| ->]; try assumption.
rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference' x X) by done.
rewrite gmultiset_disj_union_comm.
apply Hinsert, IH. apply gmultiset_difference_subset;
End EnvMS.
Global Hint Unfold mult meq empty singleton union intersection diff env Sid.Eq.A Sid.Dom.A: mset.
Module Sid <: RelExtras.Eqset_dec.
Module Export Dom. Definition A : Type := form. End Dom.
Module Export Eq := Relation.RelExtras.Eqset_def Dom.
Definition eqA_dec := form_eq_dec.
End Sid.
Definition Multiset := env.
Definition mult : form -> Multiset -> nat := multiplicity.
Definition meq := (≡@{env}).
Definition empty := ∅ : env.
Definition singleton (x : form) : env := {[ x ]}.
Definition union : env -> env -> env := disj_union.
Definition intersection : env -> env -> env := intersection.
Definition diff : env -> env -> env := difference.
Lemma mult_eqA_compat M x y : (x = y) -> mult x M = mult y M.
Proof. intro; now subst. Qed.
Lemma meq_multeq M N:
M ≡ N -> (forall x, mult x M = mult x N).
Proof. intro Heq; multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma multeq_meq M N: (forall x, mult x M = mult x N) -> M ≡ N.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma empty_mult (x : form): mult x (∅ : env) = 0.
Proof. multiset_solver. Qed.
Lemma union_mult M N (x : form) :
mult x (M ⊎ N) = (mult x M + mult x N)%nat.
Proof. apply multiplicity_disj_union. Qed.
Lemma diff_mult M N (x : form):
mult x (M ∖ N) = (mult x M - mult x N)%nat.
Proof. apply multiplicity_difference. Qed.
Lemma intersection_mult (M N : env) (x : form):
mult x (M ∩ N) = min (mult x M) (mult x N).
Proof. apply multiplicity_intersection. Qed.
Lemma singleton_mult_in (x y: form): x = y -> mult x {[y]} = 1.
intro Heq. rewrite Heq. unfold mult. apply multiplicity_singleton. Qed.
Lemma singleton_mult_notin (x y: form): x <> y -> mult x {[y]} = 0.
Proof. apply multiplicity_singleton_ne. Qed.
(* reprove the following principles, proved in stdpp for Prop, but
we need them in Type *)
Lemma gmultiset_choose_or_empty (X : env) : {x | x ∈ X} + {X = ∅}.
destruct (elements X) as [|x l] eqn:HX; [right|left].
- by apply gmultiset_elements_empty_inv.
- exists x. rewrite <- (gmultiset_elem_of_elements x X).
replace (elements X) with (x :: l). left.
Definition mset_ind_type : forall P : env -> Type,
P empty -> (forall M a, P M -> P (M ⊎ {[a]})) -> forall M, P M.
intros P Hemp Hinsert X.
eapply (Fix gmultiset_wf _ X).
Unshelve. clear X. intros X IH.
destruct (gmultiset_choose_or_empty X) as [[x Hx]| ->]; try assumption.
rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference' x X) by done.
rewrite gmultiset_disj_union_comm.
apply Hinsert, IH. apply gmultiset_difference_subset;
End EnvMS.
Global Hint Unfold mult meq empty singleton union intersection diff env Sid.Eq.A Sid.Dom.A: mset.
A well-founded order and tactic on multi-sets
The module MO defines the multi-set ordering on multi-sets, which depends on giving an order on the base set (for us, formulas), and, crucially, contains the wellfoundedness theorem "mord_wf".
Module Export MO := MultisetOrder EnvMS. (* for the well-foundedness *)
(* useful notations :
{ x } : singleton
⊎ : disjoint union
\: difference (setminus)
{ x; y; … } union of singletons
{[+ x; y; … +]} *disjoint* union of singletons
⊂@ : include
Definition env_order (Γ Δ : env): Prop := MO.MultisetGt form_order Δ Γ.
Infix "≺" := env_order (at level 150).
Global Hint Unfold form_order : mset.
Global Hint Unfold base.singletonMS : mset.
Global Hint Unfold singletonMS : mset.
Ltac ms :=
unfold base.singletonMS;
unfold singletonMS; (* necessary, not sure why *)
autounfold with mset in *;
autounfold with mset; multiset_solver.
Global Instance proper_elem_of : Proper ((=) ==> (≡@{env}) ==> (fun x y => x <-> y)) elem_of.
Proof. intros Γ Γ' Heq φ φ' Heq'. ms. Qed.
Global Instance proper_disj_union : Proper ((≡@{env}) ==> (≡@{env}) ==> (≡@{env})) disj_union.
Proof. intros Γ Γ' Heq Δ Δ' Heq'. ms. Qed.
(* example of the multiset ordering *)
Local Lemma example_multiset : (forall φ ψ: form, {[ φ; ψ ]} ≺ {[ φ ∧ ψ ]}).
Proof. intros.
constructor. eapply MSetRed with(X:= ∅) (a := φ ∧ ψ) (Y := {[φ; ψ]}).
ms. ms.
intros y Hy.
unfold MSet.member, gt, mult in Hy.
rewrite <- elem_of_multiplicity in Hy. ms.
(* useful notations :
{ x } : singleton
⊎ : disjoint union
\: difference (setminus)
{ x; y; … } union of singletons
{[+ x; y; … +]} *disjoint* union of singletons
⊂@ : include
Definition env_order (Γ Δ : env): Prop := MO.MultisetGt form_order Δ Γ.
Infix "≺" := env_order (at level 150).
Global Hint Unfold form_order : mset.
Global Hint Unfold base.singletonMS : mset.
Global Hint Unfold singletonMS : mset.
Ltac ms :=
unfold base.singletonMS;
unfold singletonMS; (* necessary, not sure why *)
autounfold with mset in *;
autounfold with mset; multiset_solver.
Global Instance proper_elem_of : Proper ((=) ==> (≡@{env}) ==> (fun x y => x <-> y)) elem_of.
Proof. intros Γ Γ' Heq φ φ' Heq'. ms. Qed.
Global Instance proper_disj_union : Proper ((≡@{env}) ==> (≡@{env}) ==> (≡@{env})) disj_union.
Proof. intros Γ Γ' Heq Δ Δ' Heq'. ms. Qed.
(* example of the multiset ordering *)
Local Lemma example_multiset : (forall φ ψ: form, {[ φ; ψ ]} ≺ {[ φ ∧ ψ ]}).
Proof. intros.
constructor. eapply MSetRed with(X:= ∅) (a := φ ∧ ψ) (Y := {[φ; ψ]}).
ms. ms.
intros y Hy.
unfold MSet.member, gt, mult in Hy.
rewrite <- elem_of_multiplicity in Hy. ms.
Here we use the theorem of (Dershowitz Manna 1979), formalized in CoLoR as mord_wf, which says that the multiset ordering over a well-founded
ordering (in our case, the one given by formula weight) is again well-founded.
Definition wf_env_order : well_founded env_order.
apply mord_wf.
- unfold Sid.Eq.eqA. intros s y Heq; now subst.
- now apply well_founded_lt_compat with (f := weight).
Global Notation "Γ • φ" := (disj_union Γ (base.singletonMS φ)) (at level 105, φ at level 85, left associativity).
apply mord_wf.
- unfold Sid.Eq.eqA. intros s y Heq; now subst.
- now apply well_founded_lt_compat with (f := weight).
Global Notation "Γ • φ" := (disj_union Γ (base.singletonMS φ)) (at level 105, φ at level 85, left associativity).
(* Two useful basic facts about multisets containing (or not) certain elements. *)
Lemma env_replace {Γ : env} φ {ψ : form}:
(ψ ∈ Γ) -> (Γ • φ) ∖ {[ψ]} ≡ (Γ ∖ {[ψ]} • φ).
intro Hin; apply multeq_meq. intros θ.
rewrite diff_mult, union_mult, union_mult, diff_mult.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.add_sub_swap.
case (decide (θ = ψ)); intro; subst.
- now rewrite singleton_mult_in.
- rewrite singleton_mult_notin; trivial. lia.
Lemma diff_not_in (Γ : env) φ : φ ∉ Γ -> Γ ∖ {[φ]} ≡ Γ.
intro Hf. apply multeq_meq. intros ψ.
rewrite diff_mult. rewrite (elem_of_multiplicity φ Γ) in Hf.
unfold mult.
case (decide (φ = ψ)).
- intro; subst. lia.
- intro Hneq. setoid_rewrite (multiplicity_singleton_ne ψ φ); trivial. lia.
Lemma env_replace {Γ : env} φ {ψ : form}:
(ψ ∈ Γ) -> (Γ • φ) ∖ {[ψ]} ≡ (Γ ∖ {[ψ]} • φ).
intro Hin; apply multeq_meq. intros θ.
rewrite diff_mult, union_mult, union_mult, diff_mult.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.add_sub_swap.
case (decide (θ = ψ)); intro; subst.
- now rewrite singleton_mult_in.
- rewrite singleton_mult_notin; trivial. lia.
Lemma diff_not_in (Γ : env) φ : φ ∉ Γ -> Γ ∖ {[φ]} ≡ Γ.
intro Hf. apply multeq_meq. intros ψ.
rewrite diff_mult. rewrite (elem_of_multiplicity φ Γ) in Hf.
unfold mult.
case (decide (φ = ψ)).
- intro; subst. lia.
- intro Hneq. setoid_rewrite (multiplicity_singleton_ne ψ φ); trivial. lia.
Conjunction, disjunction, and implication
In the construction of propositional quantifiers, we often want to take the conjunction, disjunction, or implication of a (multi)set of formulas. The following results give some small optimizations of this process, by reducing "obvious" conjunctions such as ⊤ ∧ ϕ, ⊥ ∧ ϕ, etc.Definition irreducible (Γ : env) :=
(∀ p φ, (Var p → φ) ∈ Γ -> ¬ Var p ∈ Γ) /\
¬ ⊥ ∈ Γ /\
∀ φ ψ, ¬ (φ ∧ ψ) ∈ Γ /\ ¬ (φ ∨ ψ) ∈ Γ.
We use binary conjunction and disjunction operations which produce simpler equivalent formulas,
in particular by taking ⊥ and ⊤ into account
Definition make_conj x y := match x with
| ⊥ => ⊥
| (⊥→ ⊥) => y
| _ => match y with
| ⊥ => ⊥
| (⊥→ ⊥) => x
| _ => if decide (x = y) then x else x ∧ y
Infix "⊼" := make_conj (at level 60).
Lemma make_conj_spec x y :
{x = ⊥ ∧ x ⊼ y = ⊥} +
{x = ⊤ ∧ x ⊼ y = y} +
{y = ⊥ ∧ x ⊼ y = ⊥}+
{y = ⊤ ∧ x ⊼ y = x} +
{x = y ∧ x ⊼ y = x} +
{x ⊼ y = (x ∧ y)}.
unfold make_conj.
repeat (match goal with |- context [match ?x with | _ => _ end] => destruct x end; try tauto).
Lemma occurs_in_make_conj v x y : occurs_in v (x ⊼ y) -> occurs_in v x \/ occurs_in v y.
destruct (make_conj_spec x y) as [[[[[Hm|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]; try tauto.
6:{ rewrite Hm. simpl. tauto. }
all:(destruct Hm as [Heq Hm]; rewrite Hm; simpl; tauto).
Definition make_disj x y := match x with
| ⊥ => y
| (⊥→ ⊥) => (⊥→ ⊥)
| _ => match y with
| ⊥ => x
| (⊥→ ⊥) => (⊥→ ⊥)
| _ => if decide (x = y) then x else x ∨ y
Infix "⊻" := make_disj (at level 65).
Lemma make_disj_spec x y :
{x = ⊥ ∧ x ⊻ y = y} +
{x = ⊤ ∧ x ⊻ y = ⊤} +
{y = ⊥ ∧ x ⊻ y = x} +
{y = ⊤ ∧ x ⊻ y = ⊤} +
{x = y ∧ x ⊻ y = x} +
{x ⊻ y = (x ∨ y)}.
unfold make_disj.
repeat (match goal with |- context [match ?x with | _ => _ end] => destruct x end; try tauto).
Lemma occurs_in_make_disj v x y : occurs_in v (x ⊻ y) -> occurs_in v x ∨ occurs_in v y.
destruct (make_disj_spec x y) as [[[[[Hm|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]; try tauto.
6:{ rewrite Hm. simpl. tauto. }
all:(destruct Hm as [Heq Hm]; rewrite Hm; simpl; tauto).
(* "lazy" implication, which produces a potentially simpler, equivalent formula *)
Definition make_impl x y :=
match x with
| ⊥ => ⊤
| _ => match y with
| ⊥ → ⊥ => ⊤
| _ => x → y
Infix "⇢" := make_impl (at level 66).
Lemma make_impl_spec x y:
{x = ⊥ ∧ x ⇢ y = ⊤} +
{y = ⊤ ∧ x ⇢ y = ⊤} +
{x ⇢ y = (x → y)}.
unfold make_impl.
repeat (match goal with |- context [match ?x with | _ => _ end] => destruct x end; try tauto).
Lemma occurs_in_make_impl v x y : occurs_in v (x ⇢ y) -> occurs_in v x ∨ occurs_in v y.
destruct (make_impl_spec x y) as [[Hm|Hm]|Hm]; try tauto.
3:{ rewrite Hm. simpl. tauto. }
all:(destruct Hm as [Heq Hm]; rewrite Hm; simpl; tauto).
Lemma occurs_in_make_impl2 v x y z: occurs_in v (x ⇢ (y ⇢ z)) -> occurs_in v x ∨ occurs_in v y ∨ occurs_in v z.
intro H. apply occurs_in_make_impl in H. destruct H as [H|H]; try tauto.
apply occurs_in_make_impl in H. tauto.
| ⊥ => ⊥
| (⊥→ ⊥) => y
| _ => match y with
| ⊥ => ⊥
| (⊥→ ⊥) => x
| _ => if decide (x = y) then x else x ∧ y
Infix "⊼" := make_conj (at level 60).
Lemma make_conj_spec x y :
{x = ⊥ ∧ x ⊼ y = ⊥} +
{x = ⊤ ∧ x ⊼ y = y} +
{y = ⊥ ∧ x ⊼ y = ⊥}+
{y = ⊤ ∧ x ⊼ y = x} +
{x = y ∧ x ⊼ y = x} +
{x ⊼ y = (x ∧ y)}.
unfold make_conj.
repeat (match goal with |- context [match ?x with | _ => _ end] => destruct x end; try tauto).
Lemma occurs_in_make_conj v x y : occurs_in v (x ⊼ y) -> occurs_in v x \/ occurs_in v y.
destruct (make_conj_spec x y) as [[[[[Hm|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]; try tauto.
6:{ rewrite Hm. simpl. tauto. }
all:(destruct Hm as [Heq Hm]; rewrite Hm; simpl; tauto).
Definition make_disj x y := match x with
| ⊥ => y
| (⊥→ ⊥) => (⊥→ ⊥)
| _ => match y with
| ⊥ => x
| (⊥→ ⊥) => (⊥→ ⊥)
| _ => if decide (x = y) then x else x ∨ y
Infix "⊻" := make_disj (at level 65).
Lemma make_disj_spec x y :
{x = ⊥ ∧ x ⊻ y = y} +
{x = ⊤ ∧ x ⊻ y = ⊤} +
{y = ⊥ ∧ x ⊻ y = x} +
{y = ⊤ ∧ x ⊻ y = ⊤} +
{x = y ∧ x ⊻ y = x} +
{x ⊻ y = (x ∨ y)}.
unfold make_disj.
repeat (match goal with |- context [match ?x with | _ => _ end] => destruct x end; try tauto).
Lemma occurs_in_make_disj v x y : occurs_in v (x ⊻ y) -> occurs_in v x ∨ occurs_in v y.
destruct (make_disj_spec x y) as [[[[[Hm|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]|Hm]; try tauto.
6:{ rewrite Hm. simpl. tauto. }
all:(destruct Hm as [Heq Hm]; rewrite Hm; simpl; tauto).
(* "lazy" implication, which produces a potentially simpler, equivalent formula *)
Definition make_impl x y :=
match x with
| ⊥ => ⊤
| _ => match y with
| ⊥ → ⊥ => ⊤
| _ => x → y
Infix "⇢" := make_impl (at level 66).
Lemma make_impl_spec x y:
{x = ⊥ ∧ x ⇢ y = ⊤} +
{y = ⊤ ∧ x ⇢ y = ⊤} +
{x ⇢ y = (x → y)}.
unfold make_impl.
repeat (match goal with |- context [match ?x with | _ => _ end] => destruct x end; try tauto).
Lemma occurs_in_make_impl v x y : occurs_in v (x ⇢ y) -> occurs_in v x ∨ occurs_in v y.
destruct (make_impl_spec x y) as [[Hm|Hm]|Hm]; try tauto.
3:{ rewrite Hm. simpl. tauto. }
all:(destruct Hm as [Heq Hm]; rewrite Hm; simpl; tauto).
Lemma occurs_in_make_impl2 v x y z: occurs_in v (x ⇢ (y ⇢ z)) -> occurs_in v x ∨ occurs_in v y ∨ occurs_in v z.
intro H. apply occurs_in_make_impl in H. destruct H as [H|H]; try tauto.
apply occurs_in_make_impl in H. tauto.
To be noted: we remove duplicates first
Definition conjunction l := foldl make_conj (⊥→ ⊥) (nodup form_eq_dec l).
Notation "⋀" := conjunction.
Definition disjunction l := foldl make_disj ⊥ (nodup form_eq_dec l).
Notation "⋁" := disjunction.
Lemma variables_conjunction x l : occurs_in x (⋀ l) -> exists φ, φ ∈ l /\ occurs_in x φ.
unfold conjunction.
assert (Hcut : forall ψ, occurs_in x (foldl make_conj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec l))
-> occurs_in x ψ \/ (∃ φ : form, (φ ∈ l ∧ occurs_in x φ)%type)).
induction l; simpl.
- tauto.
- intros ψ Hocc.
case in_dec in Hocc; apply IHl in Hocc; simpl in Hocc;
destruct Hocc as [Hx|(φ&Hin&Hx)]; try tauto.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
+ apply occurs_in_make_conj in Hx; destruct Hx as [Hx|Hx]; auto with *.
right. exists a. auto with *.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
intro Hocc. apply Hcut in Hocc. simpl in Hocc. tauto.
Lemma variables_disjunction x l : occurs_in x (⋁ l) -> exists φ, φ ∈ l /\ occurs_in x φ.
unfold disjunction.
assert (Hcut : forall ψ, occurs_in x (foldl make_disj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec l))
-> occurs_in x ψ \/ (∃ φ : form, (φ ∈ l ∧ occurs_in x φ)%type)).
induction l; simpl.
- tauto.
- intros ψ Hocc.
case in_dec in Hocc; apply IHl in Hocc; simpl in Hocc;
destruct Hocc as [Hx|(φ&Hin&Hx)]; try tauto.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
+ apply occurs_in_make_disj in Hx; destruct Hx as [Hx|Hx]; auto with *.
right. exists a. auto with *.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
intro Hocc. apply Hcut in Hocc. simpl in Hocc. tauto.
Notation "⋀" := conjunction.
Definition disjunction l := foldl make_disj ⊥ (nodup form_eq_dec l).
Notation "⋁" := disjunction.
Lemma variables_conjunction x l : occurs_in x (⋀ l) -> exists φ, φ ∈ l /\ occurs_in x φ.
unfold conjunction.
assert (Hcut : forall ψ, occurs_in x (foldl make_conj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec l))
-> occurs_in x ψ \/ (∃ φ : form, (φ ∈ l ∧ occurs_in x φ)%type)).
induction l; simpl.
- tauto.
- intros ψ Hocc.
case in_dec in Hocc; apply IHl in Hocc; simpl in Hocc;
destruct Hocc as [Hx|(φ&Hin&Hx)]; try tauto.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
+ apply occurs_in_make_conj in Hx; destruct Hx as [Hx|Hx]; auto with *.
right. exists a. auto with *.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
intro Hocc. apply Hcut in Hocc. simpl in Hocc. tauto.
Lemma variables_disjunction x l : occurs_in x (⋁ l) -> exists φ, φ ∈ l /\ occurs_in x φ.
unfold disjunction.
assert (Hcut : forall ψ, occurs_in x (foldl make_disj ψ (nodup form_eq_dec l))
-> occurs_in x ψ \/ (∃ φ : form, (φ ∈ l ∧ occurs_in x φ)%type)).
induction l; simpl.
- tauto.
- intros ψ Hocc.
case in_dec in Hocc; apply IHl in Hocc; simpl in Hocc;
destruct Hocc as [Hx|(φ&Hin&Hx)]; try tauto.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
+ apply occurs_in_make_disj in Hx; destruct Hx as [Hx|Hx]; auto with *.
right. exists a. auto with *.
+ right. exists φ. split; auto with *.
intro Hocc. apply Hcut in Hocc. simpl in Hocc. tauto.
(* a dependent map on lists, with knowledge that we are on that list *)
(* should work with any set-like type *)
Program Fixpoint in_map_aux {A : Type} (Γ : env) (f : forall φ, (φ ∈ Γ) -> A)
Γ' (HΓ' : Γ' ⊆ elements Γ) : list A:=
match Γ' with
| [] => []
| a::Γ' => f a _ :: in_map_aux Γ f Γ' _
Next Obligation.
intros. apply gmultiset_elem_of_elements. auto with *.
Next Obligation. auto with *. Qed.
Definition in_map {A : Type} (Γ : env)
(f : forall φ, (φ ∈ Γ) -> A) : list A :=
in_map_aux Γ f (elements Γ) (reflexivity _).
(* This generalises to any type. decidability of equality over this type is necessary for a result in "Type" *)
Lemma in_in_map {A : Type} {HD : forall a b : A, Decision (a = b)}
Γ (f : forall φ, (φ ∈ Γ) -> A) ψ :
ψ ∈ (in_map Γ f) -> {ψ0 & {Hin | ψ = f ψ0 Hin}}.
unfold in_map.
assert(Hcut : forall Γ' (HΓ' : Γ' ⊆ elements Γ), ψ ∈ in_map_aux Γ f Γ' HΓ'
→ {ψ0 & {Hin : ψ0 ∈ Γ | ψ = f ψ0 Hin}}); [|apply Hcut].
induction Γ'; simpl; intros HΓ' Hin.
- contradict Hin. auto. now rewrite elem_of_nil.
- match goal with | H : ψ ∈ ?a :: (in_map_aux _ _ _ ?HΓ'') |- _ =>
case (decide (ψ = a)); [| pose (myHΓ' := HΓ'')] end.
+ intro Heq; subst. exists a. eexists. reflexivity.
+ intro Hneq. apply (IHΓ' myHΓ').
apply elem_of_cons in Hin. tauto.
Local Definition in_subset {Γ : env} {Γ'} (Hi : Γ' ⊆ elements Γ) {ψ0} (Hin : ψ0 ∈ Γ') : ψ0 ∈ Γ.
Proof. apply gmultiset_elem_of_elements,Hi, Hin. Defined.
(* converse *)
(* we require proof irrelevance for the mapped function *)
Lemma in_map_in {A : Type} {HD : forall a b : A, Decision (a = b)}
{Γ} {f : forall φ, (φ ∈ Γ) -> A} {ψ0} (Hin : ψ0 ∈ Γ):
{Hin' | f ψ0 Hin' ∈ (in_map Γ f)}.
unfold in_map.
assert(Hcut : forall Γ' (HΓ' : Γ' ⊆ elements Γ) ψ0 (Hin : In ψ0 Γ'),
{Hin' | f ψ0 Hin' ∈ in_map_aux Γ f Γ' HΓ'}).
- induction Γ'; simpl; intros HΓ' ψ' Hin'; [auto with *|].
case (decide (ψ' = a)).
+ intro; subst a. eexists. left.
+ intro Hneq. assert (Hin'' : In ψ' Γ') by (destruct Hin'; subst; tauto).
pose (Hincl := (in_map_aux_obligation_2 Γ (a :: Γ') HΓ' a Γ' eq_refl)).
destruct (IHΓ' Hincl ψ' Hin'') as [Hin0 Hprop].
eexists. right. apply Hprop.
- destruct (Hcut (elements Γ) (reflexivity (elements Γ)) ψ0) as [Hin' Hprop].
+ now apply elem_of_list_In, gmultiset_elem_of_elements.
+ exists Hin'. exact Hprop.
Lemma in_map_empty A f : @in_map A ∅ f = [].
Proof. auto with *. Qed.
Lemma in_map_ext {A} Δ f g:
(forall φ H, f φ H = g φ H) -> @in_map A Δ f = in_map Δ g.
intros Heq.
unfold in_map.
assert(forall Γ HΓ, in_map_aux Δ f Γ HΓ = in_map_aux Δ g Γ HΓ); [|trivial].
induction Γ; intro HΓ.
- trivial.
- simpl. now rewrite Heq, IHΓ.
Global Instance env_order_trans : Transitive env_order.
Proof. unfold env_order. intros a b c H1 H2. now apply mord_trans with b. Qed.
Lemma env_order_singleton Δ φ : Δ ≺ Δ • φ.
unfold env_order. constructor.
eapply MSetRed with (X := Δ ) (a := φ) (Y := ∅); try ms.
intros y Hy. contradict Hy. apply gmultiset_not_elem_of_empty.
Lemma env_order_singleton_compat {Δ Δ'} φ: (Δ ≺ Δ') -> (Δ • φ) ≺ (Δ' • φ).
unfold env_order.
induction 1 as [Δ1 Δ2 [X a Y Heq1 Heq2 HY] |Δ1 Δ2 Δ3 Hlt1 Hlt Hind1 Hind2].
- constructor.
eapply MSetRed with (X := X • φ) (a := a) (Y := Y).
+ rewrite Heq1. apply MSet.union_perm.
+ rewrite Heq2. apply MSet.union_perm.
+ assumption.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
Lemma difference_singleton (Δ: env) (φ : form): φ ∈ Δ -> Δ ≡ ((Δ ∖ {[φ]}) • φ).
intro Hin. rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference {[φ]}) at 1. ms.
now apply gmultiset_singleton_subseteq_l.
Lemma env_in_add (Δ : env) ϕ φ: φ ∈ (Δ • ϕ) <-> φ = ϕ \/ φ ∈ Δ.
rewrite (gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union Δ), gmultiset_elem_of_singleton.
Lemma equiv_disj_union_compat_r {Δ Δ' Δ'' : env} : Δ ≡ Δ'' -> Δ ⊎ Δ' ≡ Δ'' ⊎ Δ'.
Proof. ms. Qed.
Lemma env_add_comm (Δ : env) φ ϕ : (Δ • φ • ϕ) ≡ (Δ • ϕ • φ).
Proof. ms. Qed.
Lemma in_difference (Δ : env) φ ψ : φ ≠ ψ -> φ ∈ Δ -> φ ∈ Δ ∖ {[ψ]}.
intros Hne Hin.
unfold elem_of, gmultiset_elem_of.
rewrite (multiplicity_difference Δ {[ψ]} φ).
assert( HH := multiplicity_singleton_ne φ ψ Hne).
unfold singletonMS, base.singletonMS in HH.
unfold base.singleton, Environments.singleton. ms.
Global Hint Resolve in_difference : multiset.
(* could be used in disj_inv *)
Lemma env_add_inv (Γ Γ' : env) (φ ψ : form): φ ≠ ψ -> ((Γ • φ) ≡ (Γ' • ψ)) -> (Γ' ≡ ((Γ ∖ {[ψ]}) • φ)).
intros Hneq Heq.
rewrite <- env_replace; [rewrite Heq; ms|].
assert(ψ ∈ (Γ • φ)); [rewrite Heq|]; ms.
Lemma env_add_inv' (Γ Γ' : env) (φ : form): (Γ • φ) ≡ Γ' -> (Γ ≡ (Γ' ∖ {[φ]})).
Proof. intro Heq. rewrite <- Heq. ms. Qed.
Lemma env_equiv_eq (Γ Γ' :env) : Γ = Γ' -> Γ ≡ Γ'.
Proof. intro; subst; trivial. Qed.
(* We need this induction principle in type. *)
Lemma gmultiset_rec (P : env → Type) :
P ∅ → (∀ x X, P X → P ({[+ x +]} ⊎ X)) → ∀ X, P X.
intros Hemp Hinsert X. induction (gmultiset_wf X) as [X _ IH].
destruct (gmultiset_choose_or_empty X) as [[x Hx]| ->]; auto.
rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference' x X) by done.
apply Hinsert, IH; multiset_solver.
Section Order.
(* We introduce a notion of "pointed" environment, which is simply
* a pair (Δ, φ), where Δ is an environment and φ is a formula,
* not necessarily an element of Δ. *)
Definition pointed_env := (env * form)%type.
(* The order on pointed environments is given by considering the
* environment order on the sum of Δ and {φ}. *)
Definition pointed_env_order (pe1 : pointed_env) (pe2 : pointed_env) :=
env_order (fst pe1 • snd pe1) (fst pe2 • snd pe2).
Lemma wf_pointed_order : well_founded pointed_env_order.
unfold pointed_env_order.
apply Inverse_Image.wf_inverse_image, wf_env_order.
End Order.
Infix "≺·" := pointed_env_order (at level 150).
Lemma difference_include (θ θ' : form) (Δ : env) :
(θ' ∈ Δ) ->
θ ∈ Δ ∖ {[θ']} -> θ ∈ Δ.
intros Hin' Hin.
rewrite gmultiset_disj_union_difference with (X := {[θ']}).
- apply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union. tauto.
- now apply gmultiset_singleton_subseteq_l.
Lemma env_order_1 Δ φ1 φ : weight φ1 < weight φ -> Δ • φ1 ≺ Δ • φ.
intros Hw.
constructor. econstructor; [reflexivity| reflexivity|].
intros y Hy. apply MSet.member_singleton in Hy. rewrite Hy. trivial.
Global Instance assoc_meq_union : Assoc meq union.
Proof. intros x y z. ms. Qed.
Lemma env_order_2 Δ φ1 φ2 φ: weight φ1 < weight φ -> weight φ2 < weight φ -> Δ • φ1 • φ2 ≺ Δ • φ.
intros Hw.
constructor. econstructor; [reflexivity| |].
- rewrite assoc; [reflexivity|]. apply assoc_meq_union.
- intros y Hy.
apply MSet.member_union in Hy; destruct Hy as [Hy|Hy];
apply MSet.member_singleton in Hy; now rewrite Hy.
Lemma env_order_0 Δ φ: Δ ≺ Δ • φ.
constructor. econstructor; [reflexivity| now rewrite MSet.union_empty|].
intros y Hy. exfalso. eapply MSet.not_empty; [exact Hy| ms].
Lemma env_order_cancel_right Δ Δ' φ: (Δ ≺ Δ') -> Δ ≺ (Δ' • φ).
Proof. etransitivity; [|apply env_order_0]. assumption. Qed.
Lemma env_order_add_compat Δ Δ' φ : (Δ ≺ Δ') -> (Δ • φ) ≺ (Δ' • φ).
intro Hlt. induction Hlt as [Δ1 Δ2 Hlt | Δ1 Δ2 Δ0 Hlt1 IHHlt1 Hlt2 IHHlt2].
- destruct Hlt as [Δ0 a Y Heq1 Heq2 Hall].
constructor. apply (@MSetRed form_order _ _ (Δ0 • φ) a Y); ms.
- unfold env_order. etransitivity; [exact IHHlt1| exact IHHlt2].
Global Hint Resolve env_order_0 : order.
Global Hint Resolve env_order_1 : order.
Global Hint Resolve env_order_2 : order.
Global Hint Resolve env_order_add_compat : order.
Global Hint Resolve env_order_cancel_right : order.
Global Hint Extern 5 (?a < ?b) => subst; simpl; lia : order.
Lemma env_order_equiv_right_compat {Δ Δ' Δ'' : env}:
Δ' ≡ Δ'' ->
(Δ ≺ Δ'') ->
Δ ≺ Δ'.
Proof. ms. Qed.
Ltac prepare_order := unfold pointed_env_order; subst; simpl; try match goal with
| Δ := _ |- _ => subst Δ; try prepare_order
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]}) ≺ ?Γ => apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (difference_singleton Γ ψ H))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _) ≺ ?Γ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (difference_singleton Γ ψ H))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- ((?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _) • _) ≺ ?Γ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (difference_singleton Γ ψ H))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _ • _) ≺ ?Γ • ?φ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(difference_singleton Γ ψ H)))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _ • _ • _) ≺ ?Γ • ?φ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(difference_singleton Γ ψ H)))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _) ≺ ?Γ • ?φ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(difference_singleton Γ ψ H)))
Global Hint Extern 2 ((?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} , ?φ) ≺· (?Γ, ?φ)) => prepare_order : order.
Global Hint Extern 2 (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • ?φ' • ?φ'' ≺ ?Γ • ?φ) => prepare_order : order.
Global Hint Extern 2 (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • ?φ' ≺ ?Γ • ?φ) => prepare_order : order.
Lemma make_impl_weight φ ψ: weight (φ ⇢ ψ) <= weight (φ → ψ).
destruct (make_impl_spec φ ψ) as [[[Heq' Heq]|[Heq' Heq]]|Heq]; subst; rewrite Heq; simpl.
- destruct ψ; simpl; lia.
- destruct φ; simpl; lia.
- trivial.
Lemma make_impl_weight2 φ ψ θ: weight (φ ⇢ (ψ ⇢ θ)) <= weight (φ → (ψ → θ)).
pose (make_impl_weight ψ θ).
pose (make_impl_weight φ (ψ ⇢ θ)).
simpl in *. lia.
Global Hint Extern 5 (weight (?φ ⇢ ?ψ) < _) => (eapply le_lt_trans; [eapply make_impl_weight|]) : order.
Global Hint Extern 5 (weight (?φ ⇢ (?ψ ⇢ ?θ)) < _) => (eapply le_lt_trans; [eapply make_impl_weight2|]) : order.
Ltac order_tac := prepare_order; auto with order.
(* technical lemma : one can constructively find whether an environment contains
an element satisfying a decidable property *)
Lemma decide_in (P : form -> Prop) (Γ : env) :
(forall φ, Decision (P φ)) ->
{φ : form| (φ ∈ Γ) /\ P φ} + {forall φ, φ ∈ Γ -> ¬ P φ}.
intro HP.
induction Γ using gmultiset_rec.
- right. intros φ Hφ; inversion Hφ.
- destruct IHΓ as [(φ&Hφ) | HF].
+ left. exists φ. ms.
+ case (HP x); intro Hx.
* left; exists x. ms.
* right. intros. ms.
Lemma union_difference_L (Γ : env) Δ ϕ: ϕ ∈ Γ -> (Γ ⊎ Δ) ∖ {[ϕ]} ≡ Γ ∖{[ϕ]} ⊎ Δ.
Proof. intro Hin. rewrite (difference_singleton _ _ Hin). ms. Qed.
Lemma union_difference_R (Γ : env) Δ ϕ: ϕ ∈ Δ -> (Γ ⊎ Δ) ∖ {[ϕ]} ≡ Γ ⊎ (Δ ∖{[ϕ]}).
Proof. intro Hin. rewrite (difference_singleton _ _ Hin). ms. Qed.
Global Instance equiv_assoc : @Assoc env equiv disj_union.
Proof. intros x y z. ms. Qed.
Global Hint Immediate equiv_assoc : proof.
Definition var_not_in_env p (Γ : env):= (∀ φ0, φ0 ∈ Γ -> ¬ occurs_in p φ0).
(* should work with any set-like type *)
Program Fixpoint in_map_aux {A : Type} (Γ : env) (f : forall φ, (φ ∈ Γ) -> A)
Γ' (HΓ' : Γ' ⊆ elements Γ) : list A:=
match Γ' with
| [] => []
| a::Γ' => f a _ :: in_map_aux Γ f Γ' _
Next Obligation.
intros. apply gmultiset_elem_of_elements. auto with *.
Next Obligation. auto with *. Qed.
Definition in_map {A : Type} (Γ : env)
(f : forall φ, (φ ∈ Γ) -> A) : list A :=
in_map_aux Γ f (elements Γ) (reflexivity _).
(* This generalises to any type. decidability of equality over this type is necessary for a result in "Type" *)
Lemma in_in_map {A : Type} {HD : forall a b : A, Decision (a = b)}
Γ (f : forall φ, (φ ∈ Γ) -> A) ψ :
ψ ∈ (in_map Γ f) -> {ψ0 & {Hin | ψ = f ψ0 Hin}}.
unfold in_map.
assert(Hcut : forall Γ' (HΓ' : Γ' ⊆ elements Γ), ψ ∈ in_map_aux Γ f Γ' HΓ'
→ {ψ0 & {Hin : ψ0 ∈ Γ | ψ = f ψ0 Hin}}); [|apply Hcut].
induction Γ'; simpl; intros HΓ' Hin.
- contradict Hin. auto. now rewrite elem_of_nil.
- match goal with | H : ψ ∈ ?a :: (in_map_aux _ _ _ ?HΓ'') |- _ =>
case (decide (ψ = a)); [| pose (myHΓ' := HΓ'')] end.
+ intro Heq; subst. exists a. eexists. reflexivity.
+ intro Hneq. apply (IHΓ' myHΓ').
apply elem_of_cons in Hin. tauto.
Local Definition in_subset {Γ : env} {Γ'} (Hi : Γ' ⊆ elements Γ) {ψ0} (Hin : ψ0 ∈ Γ') : ψ0 ∈ Γ.
Proof. apply gmultiset_elem_of_elements,Hi, Hin. Defined.
(* converse *)
(* we require proof irrelevance for the mapped function *)
Lemma in_map_in {A : Type} {HD : forall a b : A, Decision (a = b)}
{Γ} {f : forall φ, (φ ∈ Γ) -> A} {ψ0} (Hin : ψ0 ∈ Γ):
{Hin' | f ψ0 Hin' ∈ (in_map Γ f)}.
unfold in_map.
assert(Hcut : forall Γ' (HΓ' : Γ' ⊆ elements Γ) ψ0 (Hin : In ψ0 Γ'),
{Hin' | f ψ0 Hin' ∈ in_map_aux Γ f Γ' HΓ'}).
- induction Γ'; simpl; intros HΓ' ψ' Hin'; [auto with *|].
case (decide (ψ' = a)).
+ intro; subst a. eexists. left.
+ intro Hneq. assert (Hin'' : In ψ' Γ') by (destruct Hin'; subst; tauto).
pose (Hincl := (in_map_aux_obligation_2 Γ (a :: Γ') HΓ' a Γ' eq_refl)).
destruct (IHΓ' Hincl ψ' Hin'') as [Hin0 Hprop].
eexists. right. apply Hprop.
- destruct (Hcut (elements Γ) (reflexivity (elements Γ)) ψ0) as [Hin' Hprop].
+ now apply elem_of_list_In, gmultiset_elem_of_elements.
+ exists Hin'. exact Hprop.
Lemma in_map_empty A f : @in_map A ∅ f = [].
Proof. auto with *. Qed.
Lemma in_map_ext {A} Δ f g:
(forall φ H, f φ H = g φ H) -> @in_map A Δ f = in_map Δ g.
intros Heq.
unfold in_map.
assert(forall Γ HΓ, in_map_aux Δ f Γ HΓ = in_map_aux Δ g Γ HΓ); [|trivial].
induction Γ; intro HΓ.
- trivial.
- simpl. now rewrite Heq, IHΓ.
Global Instance env_order_trans : Transitive env_order.
Proof. unfold env_order. intros a b c H1 H2. now apply mord_trans with b. Qed.
Lemma env_order_singleton Δ φ : Δ ≺ Δ • φ.
unfold env_order. constructor.
eapply MSetRed with (X := Δ ) (a := φ) (Y := ∅); try ms.
intros y Hy. contradict Hy. apply gmultiset_not_elem_of_empty.
Lemma env_order_singleton_compat {Δ Δ'} φ: (Δ ≺ Δ') -> (Δ • φ) ≺ (Δ' • φ).
unfold env_order.
induction 1 as [Δ1 Δ2 [X a Y Heq1 Heq2 HY] |Δ1 Δ2 Δ3 Hlt1 Hlt Hind1 Hind2].
- constructor.
eapply MSetRed with (X := X • φ) (a := a) (Y := Y).
+ rewrite Heq1. apply MSet.union_perm.
+ rewrite Heq2. apply MSet.union_perm.
+ assumption.
- econstructor 2; eauto.
Lemma difference_singleton (Δ: env) (φ : form): φ ∈ Δ -> Δ ≡ ((Δ ∖ {[φ]}) • φ).
intro Hin. rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference {[φ]}) at 1. ms.
now apply gmultiset_singleton_subseteq_l.
Lemma env_in_add (Δ : env) ϕ φ: φ ∈ (Δ • ϕ) <-> φ = ϕ \/ φ ∈ Δ.
rewrite (gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union Δ), gmultiset_elem_of_singleton.
Lemma equiv_disj_union_compat_r {Δ Δ' Δ'' : env} : Δ ≡ Δ'' -> Δ ⊎ Δ' ≡ Δ'' ⊎ Δ'.
Proof. ms. Qed.
Lemma env_add_comm (Δ : env) φ ϕ : (Δ • φ • ϕ) ≡ (Δ • ϕ • φ).
Proof. ms. Qed.
Lemma in_difference (Δ : env) φ ψ : φ ≠ ψ -> φ ∈ Δ -> φ ∈ Δ ∖ {[ψ]}.
intros Hne Hin.
unfold elem_of, gmultiset_elem_of.
rewrite (multiplicity_difference Δ {[ψ]} φ).
assert( HH := multiplicity_singleton_ne φ ψ Hne).
unfold singletonMS, base.singletonMS in HH.
unfold base.singleton, Environments.singleton. ms.
Global Hint Resolve in_difference : multiset.
(* could be used in disj_inv *)
Lemma env_add_inv (Γ Γ' : env) (φ ψ : form): φ ≠ ψ -> ((Γ • φ) ≡ (Γ' • ψ)) -> (Γ' ≡ ((Γ ∖ {[ψ]}) • φ)).
intros Hneq Heq.
rewrite <- env_replace; [rewrite Heq; ms|].
assert(ψ ∈ (Γ • φ)); [rewrite Heq|]; ms.
Lemma env_add_inv' (Γ Γ' : env) (φ : form): (Γ • φ) ≡ Γ' -> (Γ ≡ (Γ' ∖ {[φ]})).
Proof. intro Heq. rewrite <- Heq. ms. Qed.
Lemma env_equiv_eq (Γ Γ' :env) : Γ = Γ' -> Γ ≡ Γ'.
Proof. intro; subst; trivial. Qed.
(* We need this induction principle in type. *)
Lemma gmultiset_rec (P : env → Type) :
P ∅ → (∀ x X, P X → P ({[+ x +]} ⊎ X)) → ∀ X, P X.
intros Hemp Hinsert X. induction (gmultiset_wf X) as [X _ IH].
destruct (gmultiset_choose_or_empty X) as [[x Hx]| ->]; auto.
rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference' x X) by done.
apply Hinsert, IH; multiset_solver.
Section Order.
(* We introduce a notion of "pointed" environment, which is simply
* a pair (Δ, φ), where Δ is an environment and φ is a formula,
* not necessarily an element of Δ. *)
Definition pointed_env := (env * form)%type.
(* The order on pointed environments is given by considering the
* environment order on the sum of Δ and {φ}. *)
Definition pointed_env_order (pe1 : pointed_env) (pe2 : pointed_env) :=
env_order (fst pe1 • snd pe1) (fst pe2 • snd pe2).
Lemma wf_pointed_order : well_founded pointed_env_order.
unfold pointed_env_order.
apply Inverse_Image.wf_inverse_image, wf_env_order.
End Order.
Infix "≺·" := pointed_env_order (at level 150).
Lemma difference_include (θ θ' : form) (Δ : env) :
(θ' ∈ Δ) ->
θ ∈ Δ ∖ {[θ']} -> θ ∈ Δ.
intros Hin' Hin.
rewrite gmultiset_disj_union_difference with (X := {[θ']}).
- apply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union. tauto.
- now apply gmultiset_singleton_subseteq_l.
Lemma env_order_1 Δ φ1 φ : weight φ1 < weight φ -> Δ • φ1 ≺ Δ • φ.
intros Hw.
constructor. econstructor; [reflexivity| reflexivity|].
intros y Hy. apply MSet.member_singleton in Hy. rewrite Hy. trivial.
Global Instance assoc_meq_union : Assoc meq union.
Proof. intros x y z. ms. Qed.
Lemma env_order_2 Δ φ1 φ2 φ: weight φ1 < weight φ -> weight φ2 < weight φ -> Δ • φ1 • φ2 ≺ Δ • φ.
intros Hw.
constructor. econstructor; [reflexivity| |].
- rewrite assoc; [reflexivity|]. apply assoc_meq_union.
- intros y Hy.
apply MSet.member_union in Hy; destruct Hy as [Hy|Hy];
apply MSet.member_singleton in Hy; now rewrite Hy.
Lemma env_order_0 Δ φ: Δ ≺ Δ • φ.
constructor. econstructor; [reflexivity| now rewrite MSet.union_empty|].
intros y Hy. exfalso. eapply MSet.not_empty; [exact Hy| ms].
Lemma env_order_cancel_right Δ Δ' φ: (Δ ≺ Δ') -> Δ ≺ (Δ' • φ).
Proof. etransitivity; [|apply env_order_0]. assumption. Qed.
Lemma env_order_add_compat Δ Δ' φ : (Δ ≺ Δ') -> (Δ • φ) ≺ (Δ' • φ).
intro Hlt. induction Hlt as [Δ1 Δ2 Hlt | Δ1 Δ2 Δ0 Hlt1 IHHlt1 Hlt2 IHHlt2].
- destruct Hlt as [Δ0 a Y Heq1 Heq2 Hall].
constructor. apply (@MSetRed form_order _ _ (Δ0 • φ) a Y); ms.
- unfold env_order. etransitivity; [exact IHHlt1| exact IHHlt2].
Global Hint Resolve env_order_0 : order.
Global Hint Resolve env_order_1 : order.
Global Hint Resolve env_order_2 : order.
Global Hint Resolve env_order_add_compat : order.
Global Hint Resolve env_order_cancel_right : order.
Global Hint Extern 5 (?a < ?b) => subst; simpl; lia : order.
Lemma env_order_equiv_right_compat {Δ Δ' Δ'' : env}:
Δ' ≡ Δ'' ->
(Δ ≺ Δ'') ->
Δ ≺ Δ'.
Proof. ms. Qed.
Ltac prepare_order := unfold pointed_env_order; subst; simpl; try match goal with
| Δ := _ |- _ => subst Δ; try prepare_order
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]}) ≺ ?Γ => apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (difference_singleton Γ ψ H))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _) ≺ ?Γ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (difference_singleton Γ ψ H))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- ((?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _) • _) ≺ ?Γ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (difference_singleton Γ ψ H))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _ • _) ≺ ?Γ • ?φ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(difference_singleton Γ ψ H)))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _ • _ • _) ≺ ?Γ • ?φ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(difference_singleton Γ ψ H)))
| H : ?ψ ∈ ?Γ |- (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • _) ≺ ?Γ • ?φ =>
apply (env_order_equiv_right_compat (equiv_disj_union_compat_r(difference_singleton Γ ψ H)))
Global Hint Extern 2 ((?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} , ?φ) ≺· (?Γ, ?φ)) => prepare_order : order.
Global Hint Extern 2 (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • ?φ' • ?φ'' ≺ ?Γ • ?φ) => prepare_order : order.
Global Hint Extern 2 (?Γ ∖ {[?ψ]} • ?φ' ≺ ?Γ • ?φ) => prepare_order : order.
Lemma make_impl_weight φ ψ: weight (φ ⇢ ψ) <= weight (φ → ψ).
destruct (make_impl_spec φ ψ) as [[[Heq' Heq]|[Heq' Heq]]|Heq]; subst; rewrite Heq; simpl.
- destruct ψ; simpl; lia.
- destruct φ; simpl; lia.
- trivial.
Lemma make_impl_weight2 φ ψ θ: weight (φ ⇢ (ψ ⇢ θ)) <= weight (φ → (ψ → θ)).
pose (make_impl_weight ψ θ).
pose (make_impl_weight φ (ψ ⇢ θ)).
simpl in *. lia.
Global Hint Extern 5 (weight (?φ ⇢ ?ψ) < _) => (eapply le_lt_trans; [eapply make_impl_weight|]) : order.
Global Hint Extern 5 (weight (?φ ⇢ (?ψ ⇢ ?θ)) < _) => (eapply le_lt_trans; [eapply make_impl_weight2|]) : order.
Ltac order_tac := prepare_order; auto with order.
(* technical lemma : one can constructively find whether an environment contains
an element satisfying a decidable property *)
Lemma decide_in (P : form -> Prop) (Γ : env) :
(forall φ, Decision (P φ)) ->
{φ : form| (φ ∈ Γ) /\ P φ} + {forall φ, φ ∈ Γ -> ¬ P φ}.
intro HP.
induction Γ using gmultiset_rec.
- right. intros φ Hφ; inversion Hφ.
- destruct IHΓ as [(φ&Hφ) | HF].
+ left. exists φ. ms.
+ case (HP x); intro Hx.
* left; exists x. ms.
* right. intros. ms.
Lemma union_difference_L (Γ : env) Δ ϕ: ϕ ∈ Γ -> (Γ ⊎ Δ) ∖ {[ϕ]} ≡ Γ ∖{[ϕ]} ⊎ Δ.
Proof. intro Hin. rewrite (difference_singleton _ _ Hin). ms. Qed.
Lemma union_difference_R (Γ : env) Δ ϕ: ϕ ∈ Δ -> (Γ ⊎ Δ) ∖ {[ϕ]} ≡ Γ ⊎ (Δ ∖{[ϕ]}).
Proof. intro Hin. rewrite (difference_singleton _ _ Hin). ms. Qed.
Global Instance equiv_assoc : @Assoc env equiv disj_union.
Proof. intros x y z. ms. Qed.
Global Hint Immediate equiv_assoc : proof.
Definition var_not_in_env p (Γ : env):= (∀ φ0, φ0 ∈ Γ -> ¬ occurs_in p φ0).
(* helper tactic split cases given an assumption about belonging to a multiset *)
Ltac in_tac :=
match goal with
| H : ?θ ∈ {[?θ1; ?θ2]} |- _ => apply gmultiset_elem_of_union in H; destruct H as [H|H]; try subst
| H : ?θ ∈ (?Δ ∖ {[?θ']}) |- _ => apply difference_include in H; trivial
| H : context [?θ ∈ (?d • ?θ2)] |- _ =>
rewrite (env_in_add d) in H; destruct H as [H|H]; try subst
| H : context [?θ ∈ {[ ?θ2 ]}] |- _ => rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_singleton in H; subst
Ltac vars_tac :=
intros; subst;
repeat match goal with
| HE : context [occurs_in ?x (?E _ _)], H : occurs_in ?x (?E _ _) |- _ =>
apply HE in H
repeat match goal with | H : exists x, _ |- _ => destruct H end;
simpl in *; in_tac; try (split; [tauto || auto with *|]); simpl in *;
try match goal with
| H : occurs_in _ (?a ⇢ (?b ⇢ ?c)) |- _ => apply occurs_in_make_impl2 in H
| H : occurs_in _ (?a ⇢ ?b) |- _ => apply occurs_in_make_impl in H
try multimatch goal with
| H : ?θ0 ∈ ?Δ0 |- context [exists θ, θ ∈ ?Δ /\ occurs_in ?x θ] =>
solve[try right; exists θ0; split; [exact H|simpl; tauto]; eauto]
Ltac in_tac :=
match goal with
| H : ?θ ∈ {[?θ1; ?θ2]} |- _ => apply gmultiset_elem_of_union in H; destruct H as [H|H]; try subst
| H : ?θ ∈ (?Δ ∖ {[?θ']}) |- _ => apply difference_include in H; trivial
| H : context [?θ ∈ (?d • ?θ2)] |- _ =>
rewrite (env_in_add d) in H; destruct H as [H|H]; try subst
| H : context [?θ ∈ {[ ?θ2 ]}] |- _ => rewrite gmultiset_elem_of_singleton in H; subst
Ltac vars_tac :=
intros; subst;
repeat match goal with
| HE : context [occurs_in ?x (?E _ _)], H : occurs_in ?x (?E _ _) |- _ =>
apply HE in H
repeat match goal with | H : exists x, _ |- _ => destruct H end;
simpl in *; in_tac; try (split; [tauto || auto with *|]); simpl in *;
try match goal with
| H : occurs_in _ (?a ⇢ (?b ⇢ ?c)) |- _ => apply occurs_in_make_impl2 in H
| H : occurs_in _ (?a ⇢ ?b) |- _ => apply occurs_in_make_impl in H
try multimatch goal with
| H : ?θ0 ∈ ?Δ0 |- context [exists θ, θ ∈ ?Δ /\ occurs_in ?x θ] =>
solve[try right; exists θ0; split; [exact H|simpl; tauto]; eauto]