
Require Import Pqf.Sequents.
Require Import Pqf.SequentProps.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality. (* for dependent induction *)

Overview: Propositional Quantifiers

The main theorem proved in this file was first proved as Theorem 1 in:
(Pitts 1992). A. M. Pitts. On an interpretation of second order quantification in first order intuitionistic propositional logic. J. Symb. Log., 57(1):33–52.
It consists of two parts:
1) the inductive construction of the propositional quantifiers;
2) a proof of its correctness.

Section Pitts.

Throughout the construction and proof, we fix a variable p, with respect to which the propositional quantifier will be computed.
Variable p : variable.

Definition of propositional quantifiers.

We define the formulas Eφ and Aφ associated to any formula φ. This is an implementation of Pitts' Table 5, together with a (mostly automatic) proof that the definition terminates.

(* solves the obligations of the following programs *)
Obligation Tactic := intros; order_tac.

First, the implementation of the rules for calculating E. The names of the rules refer to the table in Pitts' paper. note the use of "lazy" conjunctions, disjunctions and implications
Program Definition e_rule {Δ : env} {ϕ : form}
  (EA0 : pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form * form)
  (θ: form) (Hin : θ Δ) : form :=
let E Δ H := fst (EA0 (Δ, ϕ) H) in
let A pe0 H := snd (EA0 pe0 H) in
let Δ' := Δ {[θ]} in
match θ with
| Bot => (* E0 *)
| Var q =>
    if decide (p = q) then (* default *)
    else E Δ' _ q (* E1 *)
(* E2 *)
| δ₁ δ₂ => E ((Δ'δ₁)•δ₂) _
(* E3 *)
| δ₁ δ₂ => E (Δ'δ₁) _ E (Δ' δ₂) _
| Var q δ =>
    if decide (p = q)
      if decide (Var p Δ) then E (Δ'δ) _ (* E5 *)
    else q E (Δ'δ) _ (* E4 *)
(* E6 *)
| (δ₁ δ₂)→ δ₃ => E (Δ'•(δ₁ (δ₂ δ₃))) _
(* E7 *)
| (δ₁ δ₂)→ δ₃ => E (Δ'•(δ₁ δ₃)•(δ₂ δ₃)) _
(* E8 *)
| ((δ₁ δ₂)→ δ₃) =>
  (E (Δ'•(δ₂ δ₃)) _ A (Δ'•(δ₂ δ₃), δ₁ δ₂) _)
   E (Δ'δ₃) _
| Bot _ =>

The implementation of the rules for defining A is separated into two pieces. Referring to Table 5 in Pitts, the definition a_rule_env handles A1-8 and A10, and the definition a_rule_form handles A9 and A11-13.
Program Definition a_rule_env {Δ : env} {ϕ : form}
  (EA0 : pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form * form)
  (θ: form) (Hin : θ Δ) : form :=
let E Δ H := fst (EA0 (Δ, ϕ) H) in
let A pe0 H := snd (EA0 pe0 H) in
let Δ' := Δ {[θ]} in
match θ with
| Var q =>
    if decide (p = q)
      if decide (Var p = ϕ) then (* A10 *)
    else A (Δ', ϕ) _ (* A1 *)
(* A2 *)
| δ₁ δ₂ => A ((Δ'δ₁)•δ₂, ϕ) _
(* A3 *)
| δ₁ δ₂ =>
      (E (Δ'δ₁) _ A (Δ'δ₁, ϕ) _)
   (E (Δ'δ₂) _ A (Δ'δ₂, ϕ) _)
| Var q δ =>
    if decide (p = q)
      if decide (Var p Δ) then A (Δ'δ, ϕ) _ (* A5 *)
    else q A (Δ'δ, ϕ) _ (* A4 *)
(* A6 *)
| (δ₁ δ₂)→ δ₃ =>
  A (Δ'•(δ₁ (δ₂ δ₃)), ϕ) _
(* A7 *)
| (δ₁ δ₂)→ δ₃ =>
  A ((Δ'•(δ₁ δ₃))•(δ₂ δ₃), ϕ) _
(* A8 *)
| ((δ₁ δ₂)→ δ₃) =>
  (E (Δ'•(δ₂ δ₃)) _ A (Δ'•(δ₂ δ₃), (δ₁ δ₂)) _)
   A (Δ'δ₃, ϕ) _
| Bot =>
| Bot _ =>

(* make sure that the proof obligations do not depend on EA0 *)
Obligation Tactic := intros Δ ϕ _ _ _; intros; order_tac.
Program Definition a_rule_form {Δ : env} {ϕ : form}
  (EA0 : pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form * form) : form :=
let E pe0 H := fst (EA0 pe0 H) in
let A pe0 H := snd (EA0 pe0 H) in
match ϕ with
| Var q =>
    if decide (p = q)
    else Var q (* A9 *)
(* A11 *)
| ϕ₁ ϕ₂ => A (Δ, ϕ₁) _ A (Δ, ϕ₂) _
(* A12 *)
| ϕ₁ ϕ₂ => A (Δ, ϕ₁) _ A (Δ, ϕ₂) _
(* A13 *)
| ϕ₁ ϕ₂ => E (Δϕ₁, ϕ₂) _ A (Δϕ₁, ϕ₂) _
| Bot =>

Obligation Tactic := intros; order_tac.
Program Fixpoint EA (pe : env * form) {wf pointed_env_order pe} :=
  let Δ := fst pe in
  ( (in_map Δ (e_rule EA)),
    (in_map Δ (a_rule_env EA)) a_rule_form EA).
Next Obligation. apply wf_pointed_order. Defined.

Definition E (pe : env * form) := (EA pe).1.
Definition A (pe : env * form) := (EA pe).2.

Definition Ef (ψ : form) := E ({[ψ]}, ).
Definition Af (ψ : form) := A (, ψ).

Congruence lemmas: if we apply any of e_rule, a_rule_env, or a_rule_form to two equal environments, then they give the same results.
Lemma e_rule_cong Δ ϕ θ (Hin : θ Δ) EA1 EA2:
  (forall pe Hpe, EA1 pe Hpe = EA2 pe Hpe) ->
  @e_rule Δ ϕ EA1 θ Hin = @e_rule Δ ϕ EA2 θ Hin.
  intro Heq.
  destruct θ; simpl; try (destruct θ1); repeat (destruct decide);
  f_equal; repeat erewrite Heq; trivial.

Lemma a_rule_env_cong Δ ϕ θ Hin EA1 EA2:
  (forall pe Hpe, EA1 pe Hpe = EA2 pe Hpe) ->
  @a_rule_env Δ ϕ EA1 θ Hin = @a_rule_env Δ ϕ EA2 θ Hin.
  intro Heq.
  destruct θ; simpl; trivial; repeat (destruct decide);
  f_equal; repeat erewrite Heq; trivial;
  destruct θ1; try (destruct decide); trivial;
  repeat erewrite Heq; trivial.

Lemma a_rule_form_cong Δ ϕ EA1 EA2:
  (forall pe Hpe, EA1 pe Hpe = EA2 pe Hpe) ->
  @a_rule_form Δ ϕ EA1 = @a_rule_form Δ ϕ EA2.
  intro Heq.
  destruct ϕ; simpl; repeat (destruct decide); trivial;
  repeat (erewrite Heq; eauto); trivial.

The following lemma requires proof irrelevance due to in_map.
Lemma EA_eq Δ ϕ:
  (E (Δ, ϕ) = (in_map Δ (@e_rule Δ ϕ (λ pe _, EA pe)))) /\
  (A (Δ, ϕ) = ( (in_map Δ (@a_rule_env Δ ϕ (λ pe _, EA pe))))
       @a_rule_form Δ ϕ (λ pe _, EA pe)).
simpl. unfold E, A, EA. simpl.
rewrite -> Wf.Fix_eq.
- simpl. split; trivial.
- intros Δ' f g Heq. f_equal; f_equal.
  + apply in_map_ext. intros. apply e_rule_cong; intros; f_equal.
      now rewrite Heq.
  + f_equal. apply in_map_ext. intros. apply a_rule_env_cong; intros.
      now rewrite Heq.
  + apply a_rule_form_cong; intros. now rewrite Heq.

Definition E_eq Δ ϕ := proj1 (EA_eq Δ ϕ).
Definition A_eq Δ ϕ := proj2 (EA_eq Δ ϕ).

End PropQuantDefinition.


Section Correctness.

This section contains the proof of Proposition 5, the main correctness result, stating that the E- and A-formulas defined above are indeed existential and universal propositional quantified versions of the original formula, respectively.

(i) Variables

Section VariablesCorrect.

In this subsection we prove (i), which states that the variable p no longer occurs in the E- and A-formulas, and that the E- and A-formulas contain no more variables than the original formula.


Lemma e_rule_vars (Δ : env) (θ : form) (Hin : θ Δ) (ϕ : form)
  (EA0 : pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form * form) x
  (HEA0 : pe Hpe,
      (occurs_in x (fst (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x p θ, θ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ) /\
      (occurs_in x (snd (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x p (occurs_in x pe.2 \/ θ, θ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ))) :
occurs_in x (e_rule EA0 θ Hin) -> x p θ, θ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ.
destruct θ; unfold e_rule.
- case decide.
  + simpl. intros Heq HF; subst. tauto.
  + simpl. intros Hneq Hocc. apply occurs_in_make_conj in Hocc.
      destruct Hocc as [Hocc|Heq]; vars_tac. subst; tauto.
- simpl. tauto.
- vars_tac.
- intro Hocc. apply occurs_in_make_disj in Hocc as [Hocc|Hocc]; vars_tac.
- destruct θ1; try solve[vars_tac].
  + case decide.
    * intro; subst. case decide.
      -- vars_tac.
      -- simpl; tauto.
    * intros Hneq Hocc. apply occurs_in_make_impl in Hocc as [Heq | Hocc]; vars_tac.
      subst. tauto.
  + simpl; tauto.
  + intros Hocc. apply occurs_in_make_impl in Hocc.
      destruct Hocc as [Hocc|Hocc]; [apply occurs_in_make_impl in Hocc as [Hocc|Hocc]|]; vars_tac; subst; tauto.


Lemma a_rule_env_vars Δ θ Hin ϕ
  (EA0 : pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form * form) x
  (HEA0 : pe Hpe,
      (occurs_in x (fst (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x p θ, θ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ) /\
      (occurs_in x (snd (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x p (occurs_in x pe.2 \/ θ, θ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ))):
occurs_in x (a_rule_env EA0 θ Hin) -> x p (occurs_in x ϕ \/ θ, θ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ).
destruct θ; unfold a_rule_env.
- case decide.
  + intro; subst. case decide; simpl; tauto.
  + intros Hneq Hocc. vars_tac.
- simpl. tauto.
- intro Hocc. vars_tac.
- intros Hocc. apply occurs_in_make_conj in Hocc.
  destruct Hocc as [Hocc|Hocc];
  apply occurs_in_make_impl in Hocc; vars_tac; vars_tac.
- destruct θ1; try solve[vars_tac].
  + case decide.
    * intro; subst. case decide.
      -- intros Hp Hocc. vars_tac.
      -- simpl; tauto.
    * intros Hneq Hocc. apply occurs_in_make_conj in Hocc.
       destruct Hocc as [Heq | Hocc]; vars_tac. subst; tauto.
  + intros Hocc. apply occurs_in_make_conj in Hocc.
      destruct Hocc as [Hocc|Hocc].
      * apply occurs_in_make_impl in Hocc; vars_tac; vars_tac.
      * vars_tac.

Lemma a_rule_form_vars Δ ϕ
  (EA0 : pe (Hpe : pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)), form * form) x
  (HEA0 : pe Hpe,
      (occurs_in x (fst (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x p θ, θ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ) /\
      (occurs_in x (snd (EA0 pe Hpe)) -> x p (occurs_in x pe.2 \/ θ, θ pe.1 /\ occurs_in x θ))):
  occurs_in x (a_rule_form EA0) -> x p (occurs_in x ϕ \/ θ, θ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ).
destruct ϕ; simpl.
- case decide; simpl; intros; subst; intuition; auto.
- tauto.
- intros Hocc; apply occurs_in_make_conj in Hocc as [Hocc|Hocc]; vars_tac.
- intros Hocc; apply occurs_in_make_disj in Hocc as [Hocc|Hocc]; vars_tac.
- intro Hocc. vars_tac; destruct Hocc; vars_tac; vars_tac.

Proposition EA_vars Δ ϕ x:
  (occurs_in x (E (Δ, ϕ)) -> x <> p /\ θ, θ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ) /\
  (occurs_in x (A (Δ, ϕ)) -> x <> p /\ (occurs_in x ϕ \/ ( θ, θ Δ /\ occurs_in x θ))).
remember (Δ, ϕ) as pe.
replace Δ with pe.1 by now subst.
replace ϕ with pe.2 by now subst. clear Heqpe Δ ϕ. revert pe.
refine (@well_founded_induction _ _ wf_pointed_order _ _).
intros [Δ ϕ] Hind. simpl.
rewrite E_eq, A_eq. simpl.
(* E *)
- intros Hocc. apply variables_conjunction in Hocc as (φ&Hin&Hφ).
  apply in_in_map in Hin as (ψ&Hin&Heq). subst φ.
  apply e_rule_vars in Hφ.
  + trivial.
  + intros; now apply Hind.
(* A *)
- intro Hocc. apply occurs_in_make_disj in Hocc as [Hocc|Hocc].
  (* disjunction *)
  + apply variables_disjunction in Hocc as (φ&Hin&Hφ).
      apply in_in_map in Hin as (ψ&Hin&Heq). subst φ.
      apply a_rule_env_vars in Hφ; trivial.
  (* pointer rule *)
  + apply a_rule_form_vars in Hocc.
    * destruct Hocc as [Hneq [Hocc | Hocc]]; vars_tac.
    * vars_tac; apply Hind in H; trivial; tauto.

End VariablesCorrect.

(ii) Entailment

In this section we prove (ii), which states that the E- and A-formula are entailed by the original formula and entail the original formula, respectively.

Hint Extern 5 (?a ?b) => order_tac : proof.
Opaque make_disj.
Opaque make_conj.

Lemma a_rule_env_spec Δ θ ϕ Hin (EA0 : pe, (pe ≺· (Δ, ϕ)) form * form)
  (HEA : forall Δ ϕ Hpe, (Δ fst (EA0 (Δ, ϕ) Hpe)) * (Δ snd(EA0 (Δ, ϕ) Hpe) ϕ)) :
  (Δa_rule_env EA0 θ Hin ϕ).
Proof with (auto with proof).
assert (HE := λ Δ0 ϕ0 Hpe, fst (HEA Δ0 ϕ0 Hpe)).
assert (HA := λ Δ0 ϕ0 Hpe, snd (HEA Δ0 ϕ0 Hpe)).
destruct θ; simpl; exhibit Hin 1.
- case decide; intro Hp.
  + subst. case_decide; subst; auto with proof.
  + exch 0...
- constructor 2.
- exch 0. apply AndL. exch 1; exch 0...
- apply make_conj_sound_L.
  exch 0. apply OrL; exch 0.
  + apply AndL. apply make_impl_sound_L. exch 0. apply make_impl_sound_L... (* uses imp_cut *)
  + apply AndL. apply make_impl_sound_L. exch 0. apply make_impl_sound_L. auto with proof.
- destruct θ1.
  + case decide; intro Hp.
    * subst. case decide.
      -- intros Hp.
         assert(Hin' : (p θ2) Δ {[Var p]})
         by (rewrite (gmultiset_disj_union_difference' _ _ Hp) in Hin; ms).
         assert (Hin'' : Var p Δ {[p θ2]}) by now apply in_difference.
         exhibit Hin'' 2. exch 0; exch 1. apply ImpLVar; auto with proof.
         exch 1. exch 0...
         peapply HA. rewrite <- difference_singleton by trivial. reflexivity.
      -- intro; constructor 2.
    * apply make_conj_sound_L. constructor 4. exch 0. exch 1. exch 0. apply ImpLVar.
      exch 0. apply weakening. exch 0...
  + constructor 2.
  + exch 0. apply ImpLAnd. apply make_impl_complete_L2. exch 0...
  + exch 0. apply ImpLOr. exch 1. exch 0...
  + apply make_conj_sound_L. exch 0. apply ImpLImp; exch 0.
      * apply AndL...
      * apply AndL. exch 0. apply weakening, HA.

Proposition entail_correct Δ ϕ : (Δ E (Δ, ϕ)) * (ΔA (Δ, ϕ) ϕ).
remember (Δ, ϕ) as pe.
replace Δ with pe.1 by now subst.
replace ϕ with pe.2 by now subst. clear Heqpe Δ ϕ. revert pe.
refine (@well_founded_induction _ _ wf_pointed_order _ _).
unfold pointed_env_order.
intros (Δ, ϕ) Hind. simpl.
rewrite E_eq, A_eq.
(* uncurry the induction hypothesis for convenience *)
assert (HE := fun d f x=> fst (Hind (d, f) x)).
assert (HA := fun d f x=> snd (Hind (d, f) x)).
unfold E, A in *; simpl in HE, HA.
simpl in *. clear Hind.
split. {
(* E *)
apply conjunction_R1. intros φ Hin. apply in_in_map in Hin.
destruct Hin as (ψ&Hin&Heq). subst.
destruct ψ; unfold e_rule; exhibit Hin 0; auto using HE with proof.
- case decide; intro; subst; simpl; auto using HE with proof.
  apply ImpR, ExFalso.
- destruct ψ1; auto using HE with proof.
  + case decide; intro Hp.
    * subst. case decide; intro Hp.
      -- assert(Hin'' : Var p Δ {[p ψ2]}) by (apply in_difference; trivial; discriminate).
         exhibit Hin'' 1. apply ImpLVar.
         peapply (HE (Δ {[p ψ2]}ψ2) ϕ). auto with proof.
         rewrite <- difference_singleton; trivial.
      -- apply ImpR, ExFalso.
    * apply make_impl_sound_R, ImpR. exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 0. apply weakening, HE. order_tac.
  + apply ImpR, ExFalso.
  + remember (Δ {[(ψ1_1 ψ1_2) ψ2]}) as Δ'.
      apply make_impl_sound_R, ImpR. apply make_impl_sound_L. exch 0. apply ImpLImp.
      * exch 0. auto with proof.
      * exch 0. auto with proof.
(* A *)
apply make_disj_sound_L, OrL.
- apply disjunction_L. intros φ Hin.
  apply in_in_map in Hin as (φ' & Heq & Hφ'). subst φ.
  apply a_rule_env_spec; intros; split ; apply HE || apply HA; order_tac.
- destruct ϕ; simpl; auto using HE with proof.
  + case decide; intro; subst; [constructor 2|constructor 1].
  + apply make_conj_sound_L, AndR; apply AndL; auto using HE with proof.
  + apply ImpR. exch 0. apply make_impl_sound_L, ImpL; auto using HE, HA with proof.

End EntailmentCorrect.


Section PropQuantCorrect.

The proof in this section, which is the most complex part of the argument, shows that the E- and A-formulas constructed above are indeed their propositionally quantified versions, that is, *any* formula entailed by the original formula and using only variables from that formula except p is already a consequence of the E-quantified version, and similarly on the other side for the A-quantifier.
E's second argument is mostly irrelevant and is only there for uniform treatment with A
Lemma E_irr ϕ' Δ ϕ : ϕ <> Var p \/ ϕ' <> Var p-> E (Δ, ϕ) = E (Δ, ϕ').
remember ((Δ, ϕ) : pointed_env) as pe.
replace Δ with pe.1 by now subst.
replace ϕ with pe.2 by now subst. clear Heqpe Δ ϕ.
  induction pe as [[Γ φ] Hind0] using (well_founded_induction_type wf_pointed_order).
assert(Hind : Γ0 φ0, ((Γ0, φ0) ≺· (Γ, φ)) φ0 p \/ ϕ' p E (Γ0, φ0) = E (Γ0, ϕ'))
  by exact (fun Γ0 φ0 => (Hind0 (Γ0, φ0))).
unfold E in Hind. simpl in Hind.
intro Hneq. do 2 rewrite E_eq. f_equal. apply in_map_ext.
intros φ' Hin. unfold e_rule.
destruct φ'; repeat rewrite (Hind _ φ) by (trivial; order_tac); trivial.
destruct φ'1; repeat rewrite (Hind _ φ) by (trivial; order_tac); trivial.

Lemma E_left {Γ} {θ} {Δ} {φ φ'} (Hin : φ Δ) :
(Γe_rule (λ pe (_ : pe ≺· (Δ, φ')), EA pe) φ Hin) θ ->
ΓE (Δ, φ') θ.
intro Hp. rewrite E_eq.
destruct (@in_map_in _ _ _ (e_rule (λ pe (_ : pe ≺· (Δ, φ')), EA pe)) _ Hin) as [Hin' Hrule].
eapply conjunction_L.
- apply Hrule.
- exact Hp.

Lemma A_right {Γ} {Δ} {φ φ'} (Hin : φ Δ) :
Γ a_rule_env (λ pe (_ : pe ≺· (Δ, φ')), EA pe) φ Hin ->
Γ A (Δ, φ').
Proof. intro Hp. rewrite A_eq.
destruct (@in_map_in _ _ _ (a_rule_env (λ pe (_ : pe ≺· (Δ, φ')), EA pe)) _ Hin) as [Hin' Hrule].
eapply make_disj_sound_R, OrR1, disjunction_R.
- exact Hrule.
- exact Hp.

Ltac foldEA := repeat match goal with
| |- context C [(EA ?pe).1] => fold (E pe)
| |- context C [(EA ?pe).2] => fold (A pe)

Proposition pq_correct Γ Δ ϕ: ( φ0, φ0 Γ -> ¬ occurs_in p φ0) -> (Γ Δ ϕ) ->
  (¬ occurs_in p ϕ -> ΓE (Δ, ϕ) ϕ) *
  (ΓE (Δ, ϕ) A (Δ, ϕ)).
(* we want to use an E rule *)
Ltac Etac := foldEA; intros; match goal with | Hin : ?a ?Δ |- _E (?Δ, _) _=> apply (E_left Hin); unfold e_rule end.

(* we want to use an A rule defined in a_rule_env *)
Ltac Atac := foldEA; match goal with | Hin : ?a ?Δ |- _ A (?Δ, _) => apply (A_right Hin); unfold a_rule_env end.

(* we want to use an A rule defined in a_rule_form *)
Ltac Atac' := foldEA; rewrite A_eq; apply make_disj_sound_R, OrR2; simpl.

Ltac occ := simpl; tauto ||
match goal with
| Hnin : φ0 : form, φ0 ?Γ ¬ occurs_in p φ0 |- _ =>

  let Hin := fresh "Hin" in
  try (match goal with |Hocc : ?a ?Γ |- _ => let Hocc' := fresh "Hocc" in assert (Hocc' := Hnin _ Hocc); simpl in Hocc' end);
  intro; repeat rewrite env_in_add; repeat rewrite difference_include; simpl;
  intro Hin; try tauto;
  try (destruct Hin as [Hin|[Hin|Hin]] ||destruct Hin as [Hin|Hin]);
  subst; simpl; try tauto;
  repeat (apply difference_include in Hin; [|assumption]);
  try (now apply Hnin)

Ltac equiv_tac :=
multimatch goal with
| Heq' : __ _ |- _ => fail
| Heq' : _ _ |- _ _ =>
  try (rewrite <- difference_singleton; trivial);
  rewrite Heq';
  try (rewrite union_difference_L by trivial);
  try (rewrite union_difference_R by trivial);
  try ms

intros Hnin Hp.
remember (Γ Δ) as Γ' eqn:HH.
assert (Heq: Γ' Γ Δ) by ms. clear HH.
revert Heq.
dependent induction Hp generalizing Γ Δ Hnin; intro Heq;
try (apply env_add_inv in Heq; [|discriminate]);

(* try and solve the easy case where the main formula is on the left *)
try match goal with
| H : (?Γ0?a?b) Γ Δ |- _ => idtac
| H : (?Γ0?a) Γ Δ |- _ => rename H into Heq;
  assert(Hin : a (Γ0a)) by ms; rewrite Heq in Hin;
  pose(Heq' := Heq); apply env_add_inv' in Heq';
  try (case (decide (a Γ)); intro Hin0;
  [split; intros; exhibit Hin0 1; auto with proof|
   case (decide (a Δ)); intro Hin0';
  [|apply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union in Hin; exfalso; tauto]])
end; simpl.

(* Atom *)
- Atac'. case decide; intro; subst; [exfalso; now apply (Hnin _ Hin0)|]; auto with proof.
- split; Etac; case decide; intro; subst; try tauto; auto with proof.
  + Atac. repeat rewrite decide_True by trivial. auto with proof.
  + fold E. apply make_conj_sound_L, AndL. Atac. repeat rewrite decide_False by trivial.
    Atac'. rewrite decide_False by trivial. apply Atom.
(* ExFalso *)
- split; Etac; auto with proof.
(* AndR *)
- destruct (IHHp1 _ _ Hnin Heq) as (PE & PEA).
  destruct (IHHp2 _ _ Hnin Heq) as (PE' & PEA').
  + intro Hocc. simpl in Hocc.
    apply AndR; erewrite E_irr by auto; apply IHHp2 || apply IHHp1; tauto.
  + Atac'. apply make_conj_sound_R, AndR; erewrite E_irr by (left; discriminate); eassumption.
(* AndL *)
- exch 0. apply AndL. exch 1; exch 0. apply IHHp; trivial. occ. equiv_tac.
- exch 0. apply AndL. exch 1; exch 0. apply IHHp; trivial. occ. equiv_tac.
- split.
   + Etac. apply IHHp; auto. equiv_tac.
   + Atac. Etac. apply IHHp; auto. equiv_tac.
(* OrR1 & OrR2 *)
- split.
  + intro Hocc. apply OrR1. erewrite E_irr by auto; apply IHHp; tauto.
  + rewrite A_eq. apply make_disj_sound_R, OrR2.
      apply make_disj_sound_R, OrR1; erewrite E_irr by (left; discriminate).
      apply IHHp; auto.
- simpl. split.
  + intro Hocc. apply OrR2. erewrite E_irr by auto; apply IHHp; tauto.
  + rewrite A_eq. apply make_disj_sound_R, OrR2.
       apply make_disj_sound_R, OrR2; erewrite E_irr by (left; discriminate).
       apply IHHp; auto.
(* OrL *)
- exch 0. apply OrL; exch 0.
 + apply IHHp1; trivial. occ. equiv_tac.
 + apply IHHp2; trivial. occ. equiv_tac.
- exch 0. apply OrL; exch 0.
  + apply IHHp1. occ. equiv_tac.
  + apply IHHp2. occ. equiv_tac.
- split.
  + Etac. apply make_disj_sound_L, OrL; [apply IHHp1| apply IHHp2]; trivial;
      rewrite Heq', union_difference_R by trivial; ms.
  + Atac. Etac. apply weakening. apply make_conj_sound_R,AndR, make_impl_sound_R.
    * apply make_impl_sound_R, ImpR. apply IHHp1; [tauto|equiv_tac].
    * apply ImpR. apply IHHp2; [tauto|equiv_tac].
(* ImpR *)
- destruct (IHHp Γ (Δφ)) as [IHa IHb]; [auto|ms|].
  + intro Hocc. apply ImpR. exch 0.
    erewrite E_irr; [| left; discriminate]. apply IHHp; auto. ms. equiv_tac.
  + Atac'. auto with proof.
(* ImpLVar *)
- pose(Heq' := Heq); apply env_add_inv' in Heq'.
  pose(Heq'' := Heq'); apply env_add_inv' in Heq''.
  case (decide ((Var p0 φ) Γ)).
  + intro Hin0.
    assert (Hocc' := Hnin _ Hin0). simpl in Hocc'.
    case (decide (Var p0 Γ)); intro Hin1.
    * (* subcase 1: p0, (p0 → φ) ∈ Γ *)
      assert (Hin2 : Var p0 Γ {[Var p0 φ]}) by (apply in_difference; trivial; discriminate).
      split; [intro Hocc|];
      exhibit Hin0 1; exhibit Hin2 2; exch 0; exch 1; apply ImpLVar; exch 1; exch 0;
      (peapply IHHp; trivial; [occ|equiv_tac]).
    * assert(Hin0' : Var p0 (Γ0Var p0•(p0 φ))) by ms. rewrite Heq in Hin0'.
      case (decide (Var p0 Δ)); intro Hp0;
      [|apply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union in Hin0'; exfalso; tauto].
      (* subcase 3: p0 ∈ Δ ; (p0 → φ) ∈ Γ *)
      split; [Etac|Atac]; case decide; intro; subst.
      -- tauto.
      -- exhibit Hin0 1. apply make_conj_sound_L, AndL. exch 1; exch 0. apply ImpLVar. exch 1. exch 0.
         apply IHHp; [occ|equiv_tac|trivial].
      -- tauto.
      -- exhibit Hin0 1. Etac. rewrite decide_False by trivial.
         apply make_conj_sound_L, AndL. exch 1; exch 0. apply ImpLVar.
         exch 1; exch 0. apply IHHp. occ. equiv_tac.
  + intro.
    assert(Hin : (Var p0 φ) (Γ0Var p0•(p0 φ))) by ms.
    rewrite Heq in Hin.
    case (decide ((Var p0 φ) Δ)); intro Hin0;
    [|apply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union in Hin; exfalso; tauto].
    case (decide (Var p0 Γ)); intro Hin1.
    * (* subcase 2: p0 ∈ Γ ; (p0 → φ) ∈ Δ *)
      do 2 exhibit Hin1 1.
      split; [intro Hocc|].
      -- Etac. case_decide; auto with proof; [auto with *|].
         apply make_impl_sound_L, ImpLVar. apply IHHp; trivial. occ.
         rewrite Heq', union_difference_R, <- union_difference_L by trivial; ms.
      -- Etac. case_decide; auto with proof; [auto with *|].
         apply make_impl_sound_L, ImpLVar. Atac. repeat case_decide; auto with proof; [tauto| tauto|].
         apply make_conj_sound_R, AndR; auto with proof. apply IHHp; [occ|].
         rewrite Heq', union_difference_R, <- union_difference_L by trivial; ms.
    * assert(Hin': Var p0 Γ Δ) by (rewrite <- Heq; ms).
      apply gmultiset_elem_of_disj_union in Hin'.
      case (decide (Var p0 Δ)); intro Hin1'; [|exfalso; tauto].
      (* subcase 4: p0,(p0 → φ) ∈ Δ *)
      case (decide (p = p0)); intro.
      -- (* subsubcase p = p0 *)
        subst. split; Etac; repeat rewrite decide_True by trivial.
        ++ apply IHHp; [tauto|equiv_tac|trivial].
        ++ Atac. repeat rewrite decide_True by trivial.
           apply IHHp; [tauto|equiv_tac].
      -- (* subsubcase p ≠ p0 *)
         assert ((p0 φ) (Δ {[Var p0]})) by (apply in_difference; trivial; discriminate).
         assert((Γ0Var p0φ) (ΓVar p0) (Δ {[Var p0]} {[p0 φ]}φ)). {
          rewrite (assoc disj_union).
          apply equiv_disj_union_compat_r.
          rewrite (comm disj_union Γ {[Var p0]}).
          rewrite <- (assoc disj_union).
          rewrite (comm disj_union {[Var p0]}).
          apply equiv_disj_union_compat_r.
          rewrite Heq''.
          rewrite union_difference_R by trivial.
          rewrite union_difference_R. ms.
          apply in_difference. discriminate. trivial.
         } (* not pretty *)
         split; Etac; rewrite decide_False by trivial;
         apply make_conj_sound_L, AndL; exch 0; Etac; case decide; intro; try tauto.
         ++ apply make_impl_sound_L, ImpLVar. apply IHHp; trivial. occ.
         ++ Atac. case decide; intro; try tauto.
            apply make_impl_sound_L, ImpLVar. Atac; case decide; intro; try tauto.
            apply make_conj_sound_R, AndR; auto with proof.
            apply IHHp; trivial. occ.
(* ImpLAnd *)
- exch 0. apply ImpLAnd. exch 0. apply IHHp; trivial; [occ|equiv_tac].
- exch 0. apply ImpLAnd. exch 0. apply IHHp; trivial; [occ|equiv_tac].
- split; Etac.
  + apply IHHp; trivial. equiv_tac.
  + Atac. simpl. apply IHHp; trivial. equiv_tac.
(* ImpLOr *)
- exch 0; apply ImpLOr. exch 1; exch 0. apply IHHp; [occ|equiv_tac|trivial].
- exch 0; apply ImpLOr. exch 1; exch 0. apply IHHp; [occ|equiv_tac].
- split; Etac.
  + apply IHHp; trivial. equiv_tac.
  + Atac. apply IHHp; [occ|equiv_tac].
(* ImpLImp *)
- (* subcase 1: ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ∈ Γ *)
  assert Var p) by (intro; subst; simpl in *; tauto).
  exch 0; apply ImpLImp; exch 0.
  + erewrite E_irr; [apply IHHp1; [occ|equiv_tac|]| right; discriminate].
    simpl. apply Hnin in Hin0. simpl in *. tauto.
  + erewrite E_irr by tauto. apply IHHp2; [occ|equiv_tac|trivial].
- exch 0; apply ImpLImp; exch 0.
  + assert(IH: (Γ0•(φ2 φ3)) (Γ {[(φ1 φ2) φ3]}•(φ2 φ3)) Δ) by equiv_tac.
    erewrite E_irr; [apply IHHp1; [occ|equiv_tac| trivial] |right; discriminate].
    simpl. apply Hnin in Hin0. simpl in Hin0. tauto.
  + apply IHHp2; [occ|equiv_tac].
- (* subcase 2: ((φ1 → φ2) → φ3) ∈ Δ *)
  + Etac. apply make_impl_sound_L2'. apply ImpLImp.
    * apply weakening. apply ImpR. foldEA.
       rewrite (E_irr (φ1 φ2)); [apply IHHp1; [occ|equiv_tac]|right; discriminate].
    * apply IHHp2; [occ|equiv_tac| trivial].
  + Atac. apply make_conj_sound_R, AndR.
    * apply weakening. apply make_impl_sound_R, ImpR. foldEA.
      rewrite (E_irr (φ1 φ2)); [apply IHHp1; [occ|equiv_tac]|right; discriminate].
    * Etac. simpl. apply make_impl_sound_L2', ImpLImp.
      -- apply weakening. apply ImpR. foldEA.
          rewrite (E_irr (φ1 φ2)); [apply IHHp1; [occ|equiv_tac]|right; discriminate].
      -- apply IHHp2. occ. equiv_tac.

End PropQuantCorrect.

End Correctness.

End Pitts.

Pitts' Theorem

Open Scope type_scope.

Lemma E_of_empty p φ : E p (, φ) = (Implies Bot Bot).
  rewrite E_eq. rewrite in_map_empty. now unfold conjunction, nodup, foldl.

Definition vars_incl φ l := forall x, occurs_in x φ -> In x l.

The overall correctness result is summarized here.

Theorem pitts p V: p V ->
   φ, vars_incl φ (p :: V) ->
    (vars_incl (Ef p φ) V)
  * ({[φ]} (Ef p φ))
  * ( ψ, vars_incl ψ V -> {[φ]} ψ -> {[Ef p φ]} ψ)
  * (vars_incl (Af p φ) V)
  * ({[Af p φ]} φ)
  * ( θ, vars_incl θ V -> {[θ]} φ -> {[θ]} Af p φ).
intros Hp φ Hvarsφ; repeat split.

  + intros x Hx. apply (EA_vars p _ x) in Hx.
      destruct Hx as [Hneq [θ [ Hocc]]]. apply gmultiset_elem_of_singleton in . subst.
      apply Hvarsφ in Hocc. destruct Hocc; subst; tauto.
  + apply entail_correct.
  + intros ψ Hψ Hyp. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hp. unfold Ef. rewrite E_irr with (ϕ' := ψ).
      * peapply (pq_correct p {[φ]} ψ).
         -- intros θ Hin. inversion Hin.
         -- peapply Hyp.
         -- intro HF. apply Hψ in HF. tauto.
      * right; intro; subst. contradict Hp. apply (Hψ p). now simpl.
  + intros x Hx. apply (EA_vars p φ x) in Hx.
      destruct Hx as [Hneq [Hin | [θ [ Hocc]]]].
      * apply Hvarsφ in Hin. destruct Hin; subst; tauto.
      * inversion .
  + peapply (entail_correct p ).
  + intros ψ Hψ Hyp. rewrite elem_of_list_In in Hp.
      apply (TopL_rev _ ). peapply (pq_correct p {[ψ]} φ).
      * intros φ0 Hφ0. apply gmultiset_elem_of_singleton in Hφ0. subst. auto with *.
      * peapply Hyp.
      * now rewrite E_of_empty.